The behavior of collision is usually expressed in terms of a cross section. 碰撞的行为通常用截面来描述。
Novel Molecular Electronegativity Interaction Vector and Its Application in Quantitative Prediction for Collision Cross Section of Ion Mobility Spectrometry of Singly Protonated Peptides 分子电性作用矢量法定量预测单质子化肽段离子迁移谱碰撞截面
We calculate its radialization correction and make the correlative discussion, obtain the cross section of electron-antielectron collision under chain approximation, and compare the tree-level cross section with the cross section under chain approximation. 对其辐射修正作了相关的计算和讨论,从而得到了电子-正电子碰撞在链近似下的散射截面,并与最低阶的散射截面作了比较。
Computing of Fast H Atom and He Atom Collision Cross Section 快速氢原子与原子氦碰撞截面计算
The traditional object of electronic and atomic collision studies is a total or differential cross section. People analyse the structure information of target atom through the spectrum, the energy spectrum or the momentum spectrum. 传统的电子原子碰撞实验,主要是通过碰撞截面测量和计算来获取碰撞过程的信息,通过光谱、能谱或动量谱来分析靶结构信息。